The conceptual difference

A refined aesthetic sense is not something money can buy.
Which is why, as you consider the choices for your new home, you need to also research the design ethic that underpins the blueprint. Your conceptual considerations must take into account the big picture and overarching vision as well as the granular and meticulous details. Are the structural contours mirroring your elevated lifestyle? Is the modern contemporary architecture reflecting your sophistication and class? Is the floor plan making room for your personality and self-expression? Visualise all these possibilities during decision-making.
Now would also be a good time to do a mental walkthrough of flow and function. Examine the relationship between indoor and outdoor areas. Check out how natural light and fresh air enter and envelop the spaces. Pay attention to aspects like windows and doors, pillars and beams, corners and corridors. These have an impact on both endurance and elegance. Don’t forget that fixtures and fittings, pipes and wiring can make or mar the view. Go for a residual impression that is pleasing to the eye and comfortable to settle into.

While looking around, start envisioning how your furniture will fit into the space, how your kitchen will be able to perform smoothly day in and day out, how your personal effects will be comfortably stored, how your art and artefacts will be displayed. Take more time on appliances and modern conveniences. Is there provision for your washing machine and dishwasher? Does the kitchen easily accommodate a microwave, an oven, a food processor, grinder, coffeemaker, toaster? Can all your work gadgets like desktop computer, laptop, printer, routers find sleek and neat alcoves to fit into? How does the entertainment area suit you?

Do also explore the potential for sustainable and eco-friendly design concepts. The project needs to have a larger goal of harnessing solar energy, harvesting rainwater, integrating energy-efficient innovations, providing for electric vehicle usage and managing waste disposal and recycling. As a planet-conscious family, your home too must reflect a sense of mindfulness and build in ways to reduce environmental impact. Do make enquiries about sustainable design ideas that have already been incorporated at the apartment level. It’s a great feeling to live a purpose-led life.
The Chaitanya Foundations belief system is encapsulated in the tagline “Distinct by design”. They are words we live by in every facet of our business. Get to know more about our design philosophy and how it redefines the idea of home.